We have already started much of the preparations and will have many announcements in the next few months. I wanted to share some thoughts on the visual identity we have chosen for the Congress.
When looking for a visual identify for the 34th International Publishers Congress we wanted something that brought together the book, the city of Guadalajara and its region of Jalisco and something that looked to a sustainable future.
The agave plant has been an important part of the region of Jalisco for hundreds of years. It has been used for everything from clothes to medicine to paper as well as the local drink, Tequila.
Once we had chosen our theme of Turning Pages: Publishing and the Future Society, the visual identity really came into focus.
We were able to use the duality of the Spanish word ‘hoja’ which means both ‘leaf’ and ‘page’ and, through the visual identity, connect the turning pages of our Congress with the natural world and a sustainable future.
Tickets are now on sale at www.publisherscongress.com. Solo or duo tickets with great hotel deals ideally placed between the Gudalajara Book Fair and the Congress venue.
We can’t wait to welcome you to Guadalajara.