IPA urges Mexican government to reconsider withdrawing from OECD PISA evaluation


May 6, 2024

Further to reports in Mexico, international publishers support the Mexican Publishers Association, CANIEM, in calling on the Mexican government to reconsider withdrawing from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

Brian Gilsenan, Chair of the IPA’s Educational Publishers Forum said: It is shocking to see the Mexican government even considering walking away from the PISA evaluations. These internationally recognised systems that can reach across cultural and methodological differences to measure impact are extremely valuable to educational publishers, governments and teachers. It is only by exchanging experiences and best practice that we can create the brightest opportunity for our younger generations. We urge the Mexican government to reconsider.

You can read media reports (in Spanish) here.

This latest development follows the decision of the Mexican  Federal Government to abruptly cancel the regulations for the selection, acquisition and distribution of textbooks for the secondary level (grades 7 to 9). The decision led CANIEM to file a lawsuit against the government in October 2023.